Saturday, March 5, 2011

First Things First

I have decided to start a blog! Miracle? YES!

For those of you who know me, you are quite aware of my dislike, and malice towards writing. I hate punctuation, I hate capitalization and i'm not exactly the best speller in the world. While it is true that I have a love for spell check, even I am aware that it does not catch all my mistakes (which by the way are many). So, what are you doing writing this blog you ask. Well, I have decided to take a new step in my life, this year I have decided to do things that are uncomfortable for me. That being said writing just happens to be at the top of my list, you know, along with moving to Alaska by myself, running a half marathon and driving in the snow. These are things that definitely cause me a good amount of anxiety but I see no better way to grow than to put a little stress on myself. It's like that old saying goes "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." For my sake I hope that is true!

Since I don't really like writing but I am challenging myself to do so I thought it would be a good idea to share as many pictures as possible, thus the title of my blog A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words. Sure, I will be writing here and there but if I have a picture to share my experiences the less I have to write and the less you have to worry about correcting my horrible punctuation, spelling and basic writing skills. Overall I think it is a win win for all. 

At the moment my camera is MIA so I will be relying on pictures of the past, but don't worry the pictures aren't that old just a few months. I will do my best to update this blog as often as possible and  will include as many pictures as possible. I don't know about you guys but I am a very visual learner and I love looking at pictures.

One last thing, please be patient with me!!! This is my first time doing this and still not sure how everything works but I will surely figure it out.......hahaha MAYBE!

1 comment:

  1. Exciting! :) You MOVED to Alaska... BY YOURSELF!?! for a job? What an inspiring first post Kelly. Welcome to the blogging world.

    I suck at grammar and punctuation too. There are many in this boat - no worries.

    AND I love your template/backround.
